Document Scanning as a Service for All Your Business Records
Labor & Space Savings
Fulfill OEM & Other Audit Document Requests
Protect Client Personal Information
Eliminate Paper Retention & Its Liability
DMS Independent or Integrative
Identify Missing Repair Orders & Deals
Reduce Intrusion & Breach Liabilities
Dealership Documents Scanned, Verified & Encrypted at Rest

With a single ScanSend station at our dealerships, we are able to keep current with the scanning needs of ALL our departments — then quickly & securely retrieve our documents.
— National AutoTrieve ScanSend User
With Scan360 pickup and scanning services we are achieving huge savings on filing, retrieving and refiling labor. We now enjoy a fixed-cost per RO being scanned by AutoTrieve.
— Multi-Point AutoTrieve Scan360 User
— National AutoTrieve ScanSend User
With Scan360 pickup and scanning services we are achieving huge savings on filing, retrieving and refiling labor. We now enjoy a fixed-cost per RO being scanned by AutoTrieve.
— Multi-Point AutoTrieve Scan360 User
No more sorting, filing, copying, and refiling paper documents
Scan your documents directly on to our secure servers — or we’ll scan for you
Images are safely stored in your dealership’s exclusive partition at AutoTrieve.com
Retrieve your documents in seconds from any computer or mobile device